10 Results found for "moisten oneself".


թրջեցի) (transitive) to wet, to moisten; to drench, to soak; to macerate (mediopassive, intransitive) to wet oneself թրջել գինւով ― tʻrǰel ginwov ― to...


Hyphenation: mou‧iller mouiller (transitive) to make wet, get wet, dampen, moisten (transitive, cooking) to water (down) (transitive, nautical) to cast, drop...


thick-knee! Which when bumped will clew and toss dung and having hurled … moistens the tail with sticky soil! Declension of noun عَبَس (ʕabas) عَبَسَ • (ʕabasa) ...


tīnctum); third conjugation to wet, moisten, dip (in), impregnate (with); to smear; to dip, immerse tingi nardo ― to scent oneself with spikenard tinctus littĕris...


(transitive) To trail, so as to wet or befoul; to make wet and limp; to moisten. 1805, Walter Scott, “(please specify the page)”, in The Lay of the Last...


clean oneself with water. I wash every morning after getting up. (transitive) To cover with water or any liquid; to wet; to fall on and moisten. Waves...


(dialectal) (transitive) to wet, to moisten, to damp (intransitive, colloquial) to pee, to urinate (reflexive with се) to wet oneself in their sleep (for kids or...


(transitive) to anoint (grease with oil) (transitive) to anoint (wet or moisten with oil or liquid) (transitive, religion) to administer the sacrament...


English wet (“wet, moistened”), wett, wette, past participle of Middle English weten (“to wet”), from Old English wǣtan (“to wet, moisten, water”), from Proto-Germanic...


children dipped in the font. (transitive) To wet, as if by immersing; to moisten. 1646 (indicated as 1645), John Milton, “Comus”, in Poems of Mr. John Milton...